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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

WD Westerner Oct. - Nov. 2013

Diabetes Awareness Month

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. In Western Dubuque High School, there are students with Type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease without a cure. It occurs when the pancreas stops producing insulin. There is never a break when living with diabetes. Diabetics are constantly checking their blood glucose, counting carbohydrates, and injecting insulin. If these tasks are not performed, there will be serious negative health effects. High and low blood sugars can cause a diabetic to have varying short-tem effects or symptoms including: shaking, hunger, blurred vision, numbness, tingling in the hands, feet, and mouth, vomiting or passing out. Long-term effects include amputation, vision loss and death. Causes of high blood sugars include not taking enough insulin, being sick, adrenaline and increased emotions, such as being excited. Causes of low blood sugars include taking too much insulin, exercise and certain emotions, such as fear. According to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, “As many as three million Americans are living with Type 1 diabetes. Each year more than 30,000 people will be diagnosed with this disease in the United States.”
Wednesday, June 6, 2007, was when I was diagnosed with this disease. Some of my symptoms leading up to the diagnosis were frequent thirst and urination, fatigue, lessened eyesight and unexplained weight loss. In less than a week, I went from knowing nothing about the disease to being an expert, able to manage my diabetes outside of the hospital. At first, it was a huge change, but I quickly got used to it. After having this disease for six years, it is second nature to me and just part of my daily routine. I know that if I do not manage my diabetes, there will be serious consequences. Even with Type 1 diabetes, a person can live a life just as normal as someone who does not have this disease, with only a few changes to their daily habits. Type 1 diabetes is not something to be scared of, but it is something that everyone should be aware of.

A WDHS Math Club update


For the last five years, students have been given the opportunity to enrich their math skills and even participate in competitions across the eastern and central Iowa area. Led by math and programming teacher, Julie Vaughn, the WDHS Math Club has been one of the many groups to thrive in the school. Last year, 59 recorded students were in the club. This year, Vaughn says she has 50 thus far.

When asked what the requirements were to join the club, her answer was simple. “A desire to have fun or be challenged with math is a must. That’s why I enjoy Math Club. Seeing other students having fun and hanging out with others who enjoy math makes it enjoyable.”

“My favorite part about Math Club is the competitions,” says Ally Zauche, a junior who has been in the Math Club for all three years of her high school career. When asked why, she responded, “The competitions are fun. The rides to the competitions are a lot of fun, too.” Zauche joined after a friend introduced it to her during their freshman year. “We also sell book covers and sometimes do concessions at certain events,” said Zauche.

According to Vaughn, the Math Club has 11 competitions this year. They consist of two team and two individual tests where students try to solve math problems. The problems can range in math subjects from basic algebra to calculus.

If anyone would like to join the Math Club, they can go to Mrs. Vaughn’s room (209) and fill out a form. This club makes it possible for all students, no matter their skill level in math, to enhance the numbers in their minds.

Art corner with Jillian Kennedy
Jillian Kennedy is a sophomore at Western Dubuque High School and an aspiring art student. Her love for art began at the age of 10. Kennedy was randomly motivated to draw a unicorn and decided to ask her mother, who is also an artist, to show her how. The part that inspired Jillian the most was the special technique behind drawing; two circles were drawn to get the basic shape, and then everything just came together. She thought the idea behind it was amazing ,and her unicorn turned out quite well. Her love continued from then on.
Kennedy’s determination in art continues because she wants to be successful and well known. Her pieces come from her emotions and feelings; it just depends on the time and place. She wants to pursue art in college after high school. Kennedy will most likely resort to Clarke University in Dubuque, but she would really love to go somewhere farther if it works out. San Francisco is one place she is thinking about.
After college, Kennedy wants to either work as a freelance artist or become a tattoo artist. She hopes to advance to a notable artist and have her feelings and works spread throughout. For that very reason, Kennedy created the piece above. It is named “A Breeze of Opportunity” because it symbolizes having the opportunity to make her art known. When asked if she plans on using art for the rest of her life, Kennedy responded, “Art will always be a huge part of my life. It will always be in my surroundings and my culture.”

Above: Jillian Kennedy (left) is WDHS’s featured artist for the month of October.  Pictured on the right is one of her many artworks.  This image is entitled “A Breeze of Opportunity.”

Senior spotlight: Jenny Brehm
What are your future plans? Physical Therapy at St. Ambrose University
What is your favorite color? Blue
What is your favorite food? Brownies
What is one item on your bucket list? Scuba diving
What is your favorite song? “Blown Away” by Carrie Underwood
Who is your favorite teacher?  Mr. Dolphin
What is your favorite class? Math—Precalculus
Who is someone you admire? My sister Christy
What is your favorite movie? “She’s the Man”
Where is your dream vacation?  A tropical island in the Caribbean
If you could meet any celebrity who would it be and why?  Carrie Underwood because she is an amazing singer.
What is your biggest pet peeve? When people use the wrong “there” in text messages.
What is your favorite book? “Green Rider”
What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Fudge Brownie
What school activities are you in?  Band, NHS, Tri-M, Math Club and basketball
What is your most interesting hobby? Painting by numbers
What is your dream job? Physical Therapist

Student Reviews

A film review of “Jobs”

As I’ve always been fascinated by Steve Jobs, it is safe to say I wanted to see this biographical documentary right away when I heard about it on Reddit. While I enjoyed the movie overall, it does have flaws worth considering before deciding whether to spend your hard-earned money on viewing the film. The film, starring Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs, along with roles from Josh Gad and Dermot Mulroney, begins with Jobs in his rebellious years in college and goes on until the introduction of the original iPod in 2001. The movie has the difficult task of cramming the entire eventful life of Jobs, and this, along with some over-dramatizing of Job’s life, proves to be the movie’s ultimate downfall. As one would expect with a Hollywood film, many events are portrayed as much more dramatic than they most likely were. Screaming, crying, one-liners and such are found in full force in the movie. If you are a fan of Steve Jobs or are interested in knowing how your “I” product got in your pocket, this movie may be of interest to you. Otherwise, it’s best to wait for a Netflix release.

A book review of Stephen King’s “Under the Dome”

When a small Seneca plane collides with an unseen barrier, the citizens of Chester’s Mill are in for a series of dire events that devastates their rural Maine town.  In this stunning page turner by Stephen King, Dale Barbara fights the forces of both good and evil in a quest to understand why this invisible barricade has formed around his town.  King has a fascinating way of writing, using multiple perspectives from the many people of Chester’s Mill. Shifting from the angle of psychotic Junior Reenie to his creepy father Big Jim, and even including the perspective of the heroic Dale Barbara, King’s style proves a challenge to read at times, but “Under The Dome” is hard to put down when the action picks up. Despite a poorly written ending, the events leading up to the resolution prove to be an exciting read.  The events range from a shady drug scandal to haphazard murders around town; when it all goes down, everyone will know the true colors of their trapped compatriots.  Besides, no secrets are safe under the dome.

Film review of “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters”

In “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters,” Percy Jackson, a son of Poseidon, is set on an epic quest to save his home and stop evil from rising into power. Along with his friends Annabeth, Grover and Tyson, Percy’s Cyclops brother that just entered his life, Percy sets off on the quest. Their journey takes unexpected turns when they run into several enemies that want to see them fail, including a character named Luke, son of Hermes. Percy and his friends have to battle against the odds in order to save the home they love. Does Percy succeed, or does his worst nightmare, the enemy Luke, win instead?
Based on a book by Rick Riorden, “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters” brought in over 14 million dollars during its opening weekend. This fantasy-filled movie instantly drew me in, making me want to join in on the thrilling journey. Wishing the fantasy were real life, I found myself being pulled deeper and deeper into the plot, wanting to become one of the characters. As the climax came, I was on the edge of my seat, hoping and praying they would make it through the fight. Then, the lights turned on and people got up to leave. The journey I took was over, and it was time to reluctantly get back to reality.

 “Cheaper by the Dozen”
When the weather starts getting crisp, it’s time for the fall play. This year, Western Dubuque’s Drama Department presents “Cheaper by the Dozen.” This play follows the everyday life of the Gilbreth family. Crazy Dad tries to employ his time management strategies on his family and dog alike. The story is told by two of the oldest children, Frank and Ernestine. This year the director, Michele Meade, and the assistant director, Jennifer Maki, had an overwhelming number of auditions. There were 43 people who auditioned for the 16 parts. The directors will be working with a combined cast and crew of 45 people this year. Five of the roles are split among 10 actors, so come twice to see them all. Michele Meade said, “I am most excited for the caliber of students and the building excitement among the cast and crew.” This is a very family-orientated comedy. It is a play that the smallest of the small and the tallest of the tall will enjoy. Meade says, “Keep an eye on Dad and how Mom keeps it all together; also look out for the dog!” This is a play that will not disappoint, so load up the cars and bring the whole family! The fall play will run from Friday to Sunday, Nov. 15-17.

Halloween Hoot
Do you like being scared? Not knowing what’s around the corner? Then come to the Halloween Hoot on Saturday, Oct. 26. Admission is $3. This event is an exceptional way to fundraise money, as well as draw in people of all ages. The carnival, hay ride and supper are from 3-7:30 p.m., and after that, there is a costume contest until 8 p.m.. During that time, there is a light fright  for younger children and a night fright  for those who would like an extra scare. Around 8 p.m., there will also be two performances by 5th Avenue and the Aristocats. This night was put together by the show choir directors, the parents and the students themselves.

Homecoming Court
Western Dubuque High School is proud to announce its 2013 Homecoming Court! (Front row, left to right) Jessica White, Raegan Hoefler, Danielle Hermsen, Maggie Webber, Rachel M. Demmer, and Brady Correy.  (Back row, left to right): Dylan Gansen, Zach Ormord, Patrick Leitzen, Devin Watters, Matt Riniker, and Jack O’Brien.  Congratulations to all members of court! WDHS’s Homecoming week was Oct. 7-12.


*Due to publication date, I was unsure as to whether or not you would like to include the picture of court or one of Homecoming King and Queen.  Please let me know if you would like a picture of the King and Queen sent.