Pictured left to right are Mr. Western Dubuque High contestants Jayme Schmitt (2nd place), Scott
Miner (1st place), and Mark Zalaznik (3rd place).

Pictured here are the first and second place winners for Western Dubuque High School’s Senior
Survivor contest. Left to right: Morgan Maiers (2nd place) and Andy Kruse (1st place).
On March 18, 2012, March Madness hit Western Dubuque High School—a week that involves
all sorts of school-oriented activities. The two biggest activities were the annual Senior Survivor
contest and always popular Mr. WD High. Each competition housed a variety of talents and
offered a great deal of entertainment.
Senior Survivor involves twelve seniors at Western Dubuque High School that participate
in various sorts of activities both at the school and in the community. The WDHS Student
Council organizes the week’s activities and provides the challenges for the contenders. This
year, each survivor was given a child from the Children's Miracle Network to represent, and all
proceeds from each contestant’s individual shirt sales were donated to the Children’s Miracle
Network. This year’s winner is Andy Kruse, who was also playing for his sponsored child Kyle.
Congratulations to both Andy and Kyle, and all of the other survivors!
On Tuesday, March 19, the Mr. WD High contest was held at the school. The contest consists of
junior and senior students who want to win the title. Each year, the contestants compete in many
categories including: Formal Wear, Spirit Wear, Talent, and Creativity. This year’s talent portion
offered a wide variety of entertainment, ranging from comedic standup to singing to playing the
guitar and drums. Also offering a wide variety of entertainment was the Spirit Wear category,
which included colorful and interesting apparel. This year’s winner was junior Scott Miner.
Senior Jon Goerdt was awarded fourth place, third place went to junior Mark Zalaznik, and this
year’s runner-up and 2nd place winner was senior Jayme Schmitt. Congratulations to all who
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