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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Creative writing corner

Freedom Relief      
For all those who fight,
Righteousness that stands,
Enduring each night,
Encountering foreign lands,
Daringly doing what’s right,
Outstretched hands,
Making it so you don’t see ‘the light,’
Radishes eaten out of cans,
Easily daydream of a kite,
Listing to bugle bands,
In scripture bites,
Etched in the sand,
Feeling locked up tight.

Snow Days
We race down the stairs in sock-clad feet.
Pressing our noses against the frost covered window,
Hot breath melts the encrusted pane;
Fingers wipe eagerly to see the wonderland before us.
Others would see fat clumps of snow falling, making a hassle of everyday jobs.
Not us.
What we see is the makings of a incredible day.
We pull on our hats and gloves and tromp outside.
It’s time to grab the sleds,
Winter is waiting for us.

Student book reviews

A review of “After” by Amy Efaw
The book “After,” written by Amy Efaw, is about a girl who has made an unthinkable choice in her life. The book written from the perspective of the 15-year old main character Devon Davenport. She has spent nine months in denial of her pregnancy. When a baby is discovered in a garbage can, Devon is accused after she is found hemorrhaging in her apartment. She then becomes a prisoner at a detention center, a place she believes she should not be in. When Devon goes to trial, will she plead guilty, or will she choose to stay in denial? What happened to the baby? All these questions are answered when you read this crazy, enticing book.

A review of “This Lullaby” by Sarah Dessen
In this novel, the main character, Remy, isn’t a typical teenage girl. Her life has never exactly been considered normal, and she’s had to grow up very quickly. Her father left when she was little, leaving her with nothing more than a song he wrote when she was born.  On top of that, Remy’s mother goes through spouses like paper towels. She has been married four times, and she is taking on the process of preparing for her fifth marriage. However, Remy is the one who is forced to throw everything together for the wedding, just as she has done in the past. Remy has grown up watching her mother’s corrupted relationships, so Remy is used to being in short-term relationships herself. She has a pattern of ending romance when things get too serious. Having recently graduated high school, Remy is focused on just making it through the summer and going to college. Her plans change when she meets Dexter, a dorky boy who is determined to use his charm to win Remy over, no matter what it takes. Unlike the other relationships, Remy just can’t seem to let Dexter go. Is Remy finally opening her eyes to what real love is centered around? Once you start this book, you’ll have a hard time putting it down!

A review of “The Hobbit”
“The Hobbit,” by J.R.R. Tolkien, is a heartfelt adventure novel about Bilbo Baggins. He is a quiet and laidback hobbit whose life changes when the wizard Gandalf brings a group of 13 dwarves into Bilbo’s home. Bilbo agrees to go on a quest with the dwarves to reclaim what the dragon, Smaug, has stolen from them. Bilbo must fight off trolls, giant spiders, Smaug, and Gollum. As they journey to the dwarves’ home, the groups of adventurers face many hardships that they must overcome together. The book keeps you on the edge of your seat, making it hard to put down. It is a great idea to read it before the movie comes out on Dec. 14, staring Martin Freeman and Ian McKellen. Go ahead and pick up this brilliant action-packed novel, and start reading!  

Children’s stories


Pictured above are the creative writing students who read at Peosta Elementary, front, left to right:  Jarraka Elsner, Miranda Hogan, Megan Lenane, Cheyenne Puetz, and Brittni Wendling. Back, left to right:  Bre Honkomp, Kaitlyn Sola, Olivia Nauman, Breanna Reisen, Nikki Cupps, and Rachel Jackson.  


In the Creative Writing and Journalistic Publications class at WDHS, students wrote children’s stories. Eleven of them were chosen to read to Pre-K through fourth grade classes at Peosta Elementary on Monday, Nov. 12, which helped celebrate American Education Week. The stories chosen were: “The Little Squirrel and the Big Kite” by Nikki Cupps (11), “Don’t Be Afraid of Monsters” by Jarraka Elsner (10), “Daddy’s Coming Home Today” by Miranda Hogan (12), “Dragon Tamer” by Bre Honkomp (12), “Timmy’s Great Adventure” by Rachel Jackson (12), “Bernie the Little Explorer” by Megan Lenane (10), “The Twin Hives” by Olivia Nauman (10), “Charlie’s Amazing Adventure” by Cheyenne Puetz (10), “Harvey’s Big Race” by Breanna Reisen (10), “Peaches and Mango” by Kaitlyn Sola (10), and “Doctor Who?” by Brittni Wendling (10).

The time is now

On Nov. 20, 2012, the girls basketball season kicked off with a 58-57 win during their home game against Independence.  “During the first week, the girls’ practices have been all about fundamentals and getting into basketball shape.The second week of practice was working on defensive principals, adding offences and breaking down the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses,” head coach, Amy Ostwinkle, told the Westerner. The girls basketball team has a goal to be the Wamac East champs and to improve statistical areas from last season. “This year’s team consists of six returning seniors. Captains: Madalyn Welty, Paige Koerperich, and Brette Correy, [and] other seniors include: Marissa Kluesner, Mackenzie Hefel, and Adrianna Welter-Mayne, who will, we hope, lead the team to finish top of the conference and go far in district play,” Coach Ostwinkle said. Coach Ostwinkle also added that her favorite part about coaching is the intensity and aggressiveness that everyone brings to the court. Plus, she enjoys seeing players mature and improve fundamentally through their four years of high school. Coach Amy Ostwinkle ended with telling about the night of the Hall of Pride scrimmage (a boys and girls basketball double header), which was on Saturday, Nov. 24 against Cascade High School. Girls first played at 5 p.m., and boys played at 6:30 p.m. All money raised goes to the Coaches vs. Cancer Organization to find a cure for cancer. Cascade defeated the WDHS girls, 32-49, but the Bobcat boys triumphed over the Cougars, 63-47. 

Let’s battle…with books!

Western Dubuque High School Book Club members are suiting up for battle. Do not worry parents; violence is not a part of this particular battle. Only the books matter in this case. The annual Battle of the Books competition is underway at Western Dubuque and throughout several other schools across the state. According to the school librarian, Mrs. Jessica Bogosian, Battle of the Books, starting on Nov. 1, is a reading competition that takes place across the state. Schools can compete by forming teams of four to six students who read a selection of award-winning books that are considered quality literature for young adults. A committee made up of English teachers and librarians decide which books are to be chosen. The teams split the books up amongst themselves and discuss them together in order to better understand what they are about. On March 15, the teams take a reading comprehension test and gain points for answering questions correctly; the second test is taken soon after and is about knowledge of the authors. The top 16 teams who have earned the most points then go on to the State Battle of the Books in Ames, Iowa to compete for the state championship.
Book Club members all over Iowa are ready to battle, and so are the members at Western Dubuque High School. Reading is important at Western Dubuque, and the Battle of the Books competition is a great activity to be involved in if you love to read. Let’s battle!       

Western Dubuque welcomes Chloe Christopherson

Western Dubuque Cross Country was graced with a new runner this year—one from Australia!  Chloe Christopherson is a senior foreign-exchange student here at school. Christopherson came into the season later than the rest of the runners, but she worked hard and made friends quickly. She informed us that she had never played sports in Australia, so no one knew what to expect from her. Christopherson came to practices and ran with the team, and once she began to run in meets, she got better every time. Everyone was happy to have her on the team; she always had a positive attitude. Christopherson is also involved in FFA, and she is on the bowling team. The main factor that encouraged Christopherson to become a foreign exchange student was her mom, who thought it would be a great experience for her. A few of her favorite things about being in the United States for this semester include: the extracurricular activities that are offered at school, the friendly people, the cheap clothes, s’mores, and pumpkin bread. One thing Christopherson doesn’t enjoy is all of the greasy foods here in the United States, her least favorite being Mexican cuisine. Christopherson loves all of her classes here at Western Dubuque, but her agriculture class with Mr. Lansing is her favorite. After graduation, Christopherson plans on pursuing a degree in Veterinarian Science at a university in Australia. One difference between our school and her school in Australia is that they go six days a week and periods go for 50 minutes, and in Australia they get a half an hour recess every day in addition to an hour lunch! Christopherson loves country music, and some of her favorite singers are the McClymonts, Troy Casser-Daley, and Lee Kernaghan. When I asked Christopherson how being a foreign-exchange student has affected her, she said, “I’m more mature and step out of my comfort zone way more!” If you see Chloe Christopherson around the halls, give her a hello; she is full of smiles and is always eager to meet someone new. 

What’s cookin’ with Mrs. Walke-Pollitt?

This year, Western Dubuque High School is using more of a hands-on approach in their foods and home economics classes. Mrs. Walke-Pollitt, the teacher of these classes, is working to incorporate as much cooking as possible. Mrs. Walke-Pollitt is trying to start a community-order program. “We’re proposing a take-and-bake class in which students will plan, prep, market, and sell their products to the community,” said Walke-Pollitt.  This class will benefit the students by giving them a hands-on experience in recipe selection, budgeting, cost, marketing, and preparing recipes that would be available for consumption by the public. It will be beneficial for the public by allowing parents the opportunity to come home and just pop a home-cooked dish in the oven for their family without any work. Classes aren’t the only thing new with the Foods Department at Western Dubuque; the classroom has also received a new center island. The new island is equipped with new cabinets and countertops.  The Home Economics/Foods Department is truly deserving of this due to their many contributions. So far this year, they made the Homecoming bars and a soup supper for the teachers during Parent-Teacher Conference week. Later in the year, they will help with Writers’ Night Out, NHS events, and school-to-work events. 

‘Tis the season to be giving!

WDHS National Honor Society had their annual food drive from Nov. 12 to Nov. 16. Students were encouraged to bring in a total of 5,000 pounds of canned goods, toiletries, boxed items, bottled water, and money to donate to the local food pantries. In hopes of attracting more donators, NHS held a contest for the Bobcat Groups. The winning Bobcat Group would be the one who contributed the highest amount of pounds to the food drive. The prize given at the end of the week consisted of free doughnuts and juice for the students of the winning Bobcat Group. Congratulations to Mr. Lansing’s Bobcat Group, the winning class, with a whooping average of 45 pounds per person!  The National Honor Society not only reached their goal, but they surpassed it by 3,650 pounds!  Great job on donating 8,650 pounds, Western Dubuque! 

Bobcat Allies attend bully conference

On Nov. 27, the Bobcat Allies will be sending three staff members (Ms. Michele Meade, Ms. Josie Kennicott, and Mr. Jacob Feldmann), along with five high school students (Isaac Ehlers, Sydney Lundgren, Abby Rollins, Nicole Valentine, and Brenna Wolfe) to Des Moines for Governor Terry Branstad’s Bullying Prevention Summit. The bullying summit teaches students how they can help stop bullying and how schools can’t stop bulling alone; they need the community to help as well.
It’s going to be a long day for our students, with a four-hour drive to Des Moines and the summit lasting from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This conference is open to all high school students in Iowa, and the students will meet many new people with different experiences and ideas. This conference has recently become popular because people are realizing how serious bullying has become. Hopefully, the students will come back and share what they have learned with not only the students, but also the community.  This experience will be a step in helping to end bullying in both our own school district and our state.